Pic Talk of the day: Samantha & Raashi Khanna Red Magic In Goa, Kajal Joins Telugu starlets are stunning the stage with their‘ sanguine’ presence at the International Film Festival of India in Goa, we must say. As these racy starlets radiate their voguishness in some ravishing outfits, bone wonders what's this red connection between them. Originally it's queen freak Samantha Ruth Prabhu who has joined her directors Raj and DK of‘The Family Man 2’series to take part in a Q&A session regarding the design that came super successful across the nation. Slipping into a red ensemble designed by Kresha Bajaj, Samantha’s sensuous glamour treat in a deep neck see-through outfit raised the mercury situations. At the veritably same IFFI, indeed Raashi Khanna shined in a red blouse and skirt as she performed on the stage at the opening event. She represented the South India Film Assiduity and oozed loads of charms in that outfit as the bystanders got mesmerised b...