Pic Talk of the day: Chirutha girl slips into bikini Pics Bollywood babe Neha Sharma made her debut in the Telugu film assiduity with Ram Charan's Chirutha. The glamour doll made a promising debut but effects noway really went her way post that and she faded out ultimately. But that didn't stop Neha from setting the defenses on fire with her red-hot skin show. She has developed the knack of slipping into revealing outfits. Now, Neha has slipped into a bikini and she has put on a sensational glamour feast in the most eye-pleasing way possible. Neha is seen in a thong bikini in this snap and the quantum of skin shown in the same is relatively high. She really is a true stunner. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Neha Sharma 💫 (@nehasharmaofficial) Neha is indeed ready to do glamour doll places and it remains to be seen if our directors realize her implicit and accord her with offers. So...