Viral Pictures: Janhvi Kapoor sets internet ablaze in shimmery dress featuring plunging neckline Take a look at these incredible pictures of Janhvi Kapoor that she recently shared on Instagram. Janhvi Kapoor is one of the most loved B-town divas. The Bollywood star frequently posts lovely images of herself on social media, prompting her fans to compliment her in the comments section. She along with Shanaya Kapoor, Nysa Devgn, and several friends were recently spotted during fashion week. 1. Janhvi Kapoor's outfit Janhvi Kapoor stunned in a short red and black dress that drew a lot of attention. 2. Janhvi Kapoor's makeup Janhvi Kapoor chose a dewy look with nude lipstick, golden eyeshadow, and highlight. 3. Janhvi Kapoor's hairstyle Janhvi Kapoor styled her hair in a neat bun that went well with her outfit. 4. Janhvi Kapoor's accessories Janhvi Kapoor kept her accessories minimal. She simply wore two finger rings and hoop earrin...