Watch the viral video of Nikki Tamboli posing in a hot bikini in a pool. The 26-year-old Nikki Tamboli has stoked the fire once more by sharing a video of herself on Instagram while wearing a swimsuit. In the viral video, Nikki Tamboli can be seen in a sexy bikini and playing with the water. Nikki Tamboli captioned the video as ‘In Tan Mode”. The video has received over 85.5K likes so far. A few weeks ago, Nikki Tamboli grabbed everyone’s attention by posting a video in a plunging black bodysuit. In the video, Nikki showed off her curvaceous figure while lying on a bed. Nikki Tamboli captioned the photo: “Parental warning, look at me at your own risk!" Nikki Tamboli landed herself in legal trouble last year when her name surfaced during an investigation into the Rs 200-crore extortion case involving conman Sukesh Chandrasekhar. Nikki Tamboli has been featured in movies like Kanchana 3, Thippara Meesam, etc. The actress has also been a part of reality shows ...