Actress Gossips: Pooja Stuns in an Enchanting Traditional Ensemble Renowned for her vibrant beauty, Pooja Hegde faced a challenging year in 2022 with a series of disappointing films, including "Radhe Shyam," "Acharya," "Cirkus," and "Beast." Even Salman Khan's film turned out to be a failure, leaving her without major Telugu projects at present. There have been reports suggesting her departure from "Guntur Kaaram" due to scheduling conflicts. Despite the downturn in her career, Pooja Hegde is determined to remain in the spotlight. Recently, she made a striking appearance in a modern outfit, exuding elegance and grace. As she was spotted at the airport on her way from Mumbai to Chennai, Pooja captivated onlookers in a stunning traditional yellow churidar. Her flowing hair and subtle makeup further enhanced her beauty, and she carried a stylish Christian Dior bag that perfectly complemented her attire. ...